..Here's My Story..

Thursday, August 21, 2008

when there's nothing left to tell the story about...

here is what was going on with my life today...

schoollage as usual..we don't have class for L&C subject today. so yea it means DO YOUR OWN THINGS time.. around 8:30am we were asked to gathered at E4 for briefing for World Heart Day this Sunday 24 August 2008. Sat at the very back with others. not really paying my attention to the briefing.we did our own briefing to each other sendiri at the back. & i found that our briefing itself much more interesting than the briefing yg ddpan kna bagi atu.

at 9am we had class with Ugama subject. it was funneyh as always. he really makes us laugh.. sampai saya terbatok2 yatah tepaksa bawa minum coke. and the class was VERY HOT.. *sigh* inda nyaman rasa duduk eee due to aircond atu inda ada remotenya.. *sigh*

owh yea! for the first time tadi i WASHED my car after these 6 months. gilaaa.. yatah masa cuci kreta atu, my bro went back home for lunch..and masa saya in the middle of washing the car, a friend of my bro datang. i was just wearing a spag straps sleeveless & brief saja tadi. and dlm hati i was like 'eh gila kali ia panggil kawannya kemari!!' and saya terpaksa lah control.my bro ani pun macam inda paham tah jua.what makes me feel more awkward was... i know that guy.. i used to rapat berabis with him during skulah secondary dulu.. shiott! i was wet and be bubble2 lagi tu tadi. it was crazy brabis eh. mcm i was a statue disana atu rasanya tadi. huhu.

after abis cuci kreta i went mengedate spend our time tadi lapas nya balik dari KayEll. he came back yesterday actually, same flight with my bro-in-law and Jazreen. i was planning to go to airport to fetch them up. tapinya for some reasons inda jadi.. huhu. thousands of excuses were created kemarin. huhu. i'm just hoping umi didn't talk with ya lah..

after mengedate, went to next date with the babes; Mims & Yatty. Ada health expo dmall yatah Yatty ambil kesempatan be check lah. while Mims &I went shopping. i bot 4 pairs of earings tadi. den around 3 kami liat Mirrors. the movie was siok and mengajutkan.. berabis.. haha.. burung terabang pun tekajut? hahaha. that was funney. siok lah ceritanya. never leave your fingerprints on the mirror... you'll never know...

so yea that's all for my day today..the part where i washed my car then my bro panggil his friend atu the most craziest history of today..


reality checked at 8:37 PM

I CAN and WILL SAY whatever i want to and you don't have the right to stop me this blog SHOULDN'T BE USE AGAINST ME. tag board is not the arena for your gladiator fight. so if you like it you can stay and if you don't please leave

i am responsible and in-charge in judging myself not you nor other people out there. you think you know me, well you need think twice before saying that. i'm just a normal girl and imperfect, but there lies a different person that the eyes can't see. get to know me & who knows that we can be good friends. i'm quiet but once you hurt me, i can be a totally biatch in just 1 second.

  • room makeover
  • acoustic guitar
  • More Purple Stuffs

  • 1.1 - Izman's Anni
  • 14.2 - Mawi's Birthday
  • 7.3 - Umi's Anni
  • 15.4 - superMarvelous day
  • 24.4 - Umi's Birthday
  • 2nd Sunday of May/the-Queen-of-My-♥'s birthday
  • 5.6 - Deej's Birthday
  • 10.6 - Domie's Birthday
  • 16.6 - Dillah's Birthday
  • 25.7 - siCuzzie's Birthday
  • 6.8 - NSN's Birthday
  • 14.8 - Izman's Birthday
  • 2.10 - Azlie's Birthday
  • 15.11 - Sister-In-Law's Birthday
  • 15.11 - Iffah's Birthday
  • 15.11 - Harris's Birthday