..Here's My Story..
Friday, September 26, 2008
I'm scared.i'm scared and afraid to fall asleep.darn!
Just finishd watching 'The Green Miles' movie.i'm not really into this kind of movie actually.in a matter of fact, i hate this kind of movie.surprisingly i watchd this movie til the end and i cried watching this movie.i was like mcm orang mengeluh punya cara bernafas.
Well the movie was about banduan yg kn kna hukum mati by electric.darn!mcm kn inda sanggup bh meliat dorg kna hukum.it was just in a movie.imagine liat dpn2 live.god!pengsan kali.
What i can say here it's not as easy as it seems yea the kraja mcm those yg menjalankan their work for those yang kna tentukan hukum mati by the law.
N yea,after watching the movie takut plg rasanya kn tdur.takut terbawa2 dalam tdur.and now my heart beat msih lagi laju.
The reason i post it here so that i will not telampau memikirkan about that movie.that's what happen to our world everyday believe it or not.
Enuf with that.owh yea, i've found the new way utk bgni aku for sahur.i ask my mom to wake me up for sahur.tapi aku langsung inda sadar.yth last night i said to my mom 'ma.f aku na mau bgn can u use water to wake me up?tpi jgn plg byk.bsahkan saja mataku' then mommy ckp 'ah?minta bgni pki air?dsiram kh?' den i said 'inda.air atu dititik kn arh mataku saja.krg kalau siram bsah jua 2' and mommy 'kalau pakai spray utk menstrika a2 boleh kh?' den i replied 'ah.a2 pun ok jua' mommy suruh lh aku ambil.den sudh time sahur, mommy bgni n aku sadar.when i opend my eyes i saw mommy holding the spray ready kn spray it to my face with her evil smile.yth tarus buka mata and ckp 'nda pyh..nda pyh spray.' with my hand sign jgn and stop.
So yea,mommy find the way how to wake me up,so i guess from today onwards my face will be basah.
That's all for now yea.have a nice day!Labels: life, Movie, new idea, realworld
reality checked at 1:34 AM
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♥ i am who i am ♥
♥ my dreams, my desires ♥
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