..Here's My Story..

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I'm Supergirl

Today, went to college ada meeting with classmates. Finished at around 10am. From college i went to Mentiri and Muara at 12pm. Then at 1pm baru blik rumah plus more or less 30mins journey from Muara to Sengkurong, so sampai rumah at 1:30pm.

Baru jua sampai and konon kan berehat, i received a text bawa aku jln. Around 2pm kana ambil drumah, and itu ini itu ini, around 2:40pm baru jln. First destination was to UBD. After that we went to YMRM @ Tungku Link. Suprisingly, we were their only customer at that time and we were followed everywhere we go mcm annoying plg but sudah jadi krja dorang kn.hehe.

Second destination, we went to Hokko @ Beribi. Sekajap saja kami sana den trus to our final destination before going home, WW Economy Mart.

Blum abis tu my story..Ada lagi..

I was in my room playing game at my desktop at around 6pm almost 7pm. It was already dark outside. Out of sudden, BLACKOUT.not me but the electricity.I looked outside, rumah jiran2, semuanya terang benderang.hairan dlm kegelapan lh aku. Went out of my room, askd my bro what happen. Then he said 'ada spark' so inda lh kami bekaran until at around 9:30pm psl org elektrik (i col them cable guy lh) baru sampai.

Sekalinya msa dorang datang atu ngam2 tia ujan, so inda th dpt dorg fix dlu.so blik lh dorg cable guys ani and ckp they'll come back again tomorrow morning to fix. Dorg shut one of the piece so yg spark a2 inda bepakai. 2 piece th sja karan yg available yg dpt dipakai. I'm tired and exhausted.kan tidur th nie. Sekalinya, 'ding dong' fikir my bro blik bejalan. It was almost 11pm sudah.rupanya cable guys datang balik kn usai. So it's fixed sudah.fuh.thank God.

That's all what had happend today. I'm really tired and exhausted and missing someone so badly, i wanna sleep.

'nitey nite,
sweet dreams,
sleep tight,
wish you dreams are the happy one,
& don't let the bed bugs bite!'


reality checked at 12:00 AM

I CAN and WILL SAY whatever i want to and you don't have the right to stop me this blog SHOULDN'T BE USE AGAINST ME. tag board is not the arena for your gladiator fight. so if you like it you can stay and if you don't please leave

i am responsible and in-charge in judging myself not you nor other people out there. you think you know me, well you need think twice before saying that. i'm just a normal girl and imperfect, but there lies a different person that the eyes can't see. get to know me & who knows that we can be good friends. i'm quiet but once you hurt me, i can be a totally biatch in just 1 second.

  • room makeover
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  • 2.10 - Azlie's Birthday
  • 15.11 - Sister-In-Law's Birthday
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