..Here's My Story..
Thursday, August 21, 2008
1. If you could push one person off a
mountain, who would it be?
2. Where did you get the shirt you're
3. Do you still have clothes that
belong to your ex?
:: *shoulders up*
4. Do you get attached to people
:: opposite of that
5. Have you ever been to California?
:: so far..nope
6. 2 words to describe you
:: damam, hopeless
7. Do you like roller coasters?
:: yea. i love thrill
8.Chocolate or Vanilla?
:: chocilla
10. People always said that you
:: ahhh?? nda orang pernah kan tefkir kali eh..hahaha
11. Beer or liquor?
:: coke nada kah??
12. Do you have any pets?
:: used to.. i miss my manja cat & delialah!!!
13. Do you curse a lot?
:: at times esp time driving.. and time steress
14. What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
:: buka mata
15. What's your favourite season?
:: musim peujan. nyahaha *apakan*
16. Have you been on a date during last week?
:: last week dengan ku mengedate nggak ada d brunei yach..
18. Your favourite fragrance?
:: Gucci Rush, Givenchy, Lancome & Stiffany
19. What's the last movie you saw in
the theater?
20. Can you live without the computer?
:: BERABISLY inda..
21. Do you hide your emotions?
:: i can say yea...
22. What is your favourite movie?
:: malay - (latest) Aku Bukan Bujang, english - girlfight
23. Do you like cheese?
:: depends
24. What do you want in a relationship?
:: i want to be loved..
25. Who was the last person you were in a moving vehicle with.
:: yatty hr
26. Best kind of pizza?
Australian BBQ Chicken.. *nyummy*
27. Would you take care of your friends while they're sick?
:: and that's what a friend for right??
28. What's your most overused word or phrase?
29. You want a guy/girl like
:: [guy] like my dad who can always protect us and give us love
[girl] mommy who'll love us no matter how we broke her heart
31. What is a band/singer you will
always love?
::5.1oam, Simple Plan, Ungu, Peterpan banyak lah klo kan d state
32. Name your favorite flower.
:: rose, lavender and this white flower i don't know the name..
33. Do you wish at 11:11?
:: what's so special on 11:11 atu?
34. Do you have any piercings?
:: yup.. 4 and soon to be 6
35. Last person you hugged?
:: lama sudah aku inda hug orang ani nyamuuu.. *let it be my secret*
36. Your bad trait?
:: entah ah..
37. Color(s) you like?
:: mocha, vanilla, pink and purple
38. Who was the last person you laid in bed with?
:: mommy ku
39. When it comes to work you
:: last minute!!
40. How many people have you texted
:: ermm.. do i really need to count?
41. Who was your last text from?
:: shhh!!!karang ketahuan dech
42. Do you like pretty girl/handsome guy?
:: ya iyalah.. tapi saya love lelaki yang inda handsome but yet attractive...
43. Do you have a crush on someone?
:: yup.. him
44. Who was the last person to talk to you on the phone?
:: mommy ku pasal aku kidnap kreta.. utk ku sanang racing djalan. hahaha.
reality checked at 9:18 PM
♥ my place, my rules ♥
♥ i am who i am ♥
♥ my dreams, my desires ♥
♥ now playing ♥