..Here's My Story..
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Salam dear readers.
kaka is sakit right now. mommy is so worried. i was asked to jaga kaka. and yea, it's payback time people. she requested for sugar can tadi so i rushly ke kadai lah cari. and believe it or not i've been to 4kadais and none of them have the sugar cane drinks. *sigh* i was in a rush tadi. seriously, kenapakan nada sugar cane dikadai kamuuuu??? same thing happened to me some time ago masa tu i was cari2 icecream then sama jua kisahnya about 4-5 ku masuk semua nada icecream yg ku cari. ish ish ish. yatah sekalinya sugar cane drinks atu, kadai runcit belakang rumah pulang ada! supermarket pulang nada?? haduiii.
so yea, back to 7 years ago, i was there feeling helpless and weak. sekalinya, she's always there when i need her. she's the best guardian ever. and now it's time for me to pay her back for the time that she spent for me. i'm glad to have someone like her in my life. and yea, i've become her private nurse for today. and mommy be the doctor. huhu. great cooperation i could say between me and mommy tadi. owh god. i love them so much!! give me another hundred sweet-talker guy, i'll still choose my mommy and sisters over them coz i know, they'll always be on my side no matter how bad i am. =).
owh yea, before i forgot, THANKS FOR THE VIEW man!! and u girl.. thanks so much. i didn't know that you guys are interested jua rupanya tentang hidup aqu ini.. huhu. anyhoo thanks so much yea.
as for now, i believe that once a good girl gone bad, they gone forever.
reality checked at 8:37 PM
♥ my place, my rules ♥
♥ i am who i am ♥
♥ my dreams, my desires ♥
♥ now playing ♥