..Here's My Story..

Monday, November 24, 2008

out for good

AT LAST!!i'm out of my house!!!there's a story actually that what keeps me stay home. *sigh* & sorry to mommy. that wont happen again i promise.

i was excited tadi kan kecollege. sekalinya i came late *sigh* due to kreta berservicing. i was about to use pajero tadi and mommy said 'alai inda lama lagi ne kreta mu siap.tunggu sekajap saja lagi' i looked at my watch and it was nearly 10am sudah. den arrived home at around 12pm. sekali mommy ku ckp 'aher jua balik' hmm... i just cant believe they questioned me when i told them that today i have to come to college.

at the same time, i recieved a gift from my brother souvenir nya dari Hong Kong last time. he bought me this T-Shirt. and he just gave it to me a few days ago. 'alai, nah nie ada baju utk mu. lawa nie.' i looked at the t-shirt and asked him kenapa nya belikan t-shirt atu. then he answered 'ikut number lah.i bought this baju pasal the number shows u anak yang ke berapa. mine is number 5' and i was tarus like owh okay~thanks yea.

another thing, my jaw hurts so much!!! payah alai kan menungap makanan tarus!&& yea, mommy kelmarin 'alai, makan!' den me 'emm. nda eh. nda mau' sekali ia cakap lah 'jangan jua inda makan langsung. karang nada kan dikisar jadi ulser plg karang'. and yea, for the past few days ani jua i'm torturing myself by starve myself. yth mommy cakap cematu. masa mommy ckp cematu dalam hati i was tefikir lah kalau ulser, lagi cepat kan turun berat badan tuu~~ hahaha. tapi my jaw hurts so effing much. macam erghhh! tarus.not only my jaw yang sakit, my back also hurts and my neck! my neck pasal i don't have the comfortable sleep at night pasal earpiece sepanjang tidur atu di telinga saja. yth hasilnya sakit leher tah plg. =)) && earpiece dtelinga atu, kalau tebangun macam2 bunyi ddengar.kadang2 ada tia menyanyi. ada tia main guitar. ada tia main piano/keyboard. haha. jobless brabiz!! tapi suweeeeeetttt and romantic lho!!haha.thanx man!u shud find a job asap coz i ain't paying you for entertaining me while i'm shuleepiinnk. ;)

owh yea, tadi they had this birthday surprise for Nisah. darn! i totally forgot today is her birthday man! shoot! HAPPY BIRTHDAY NISAH!!!! HAVE A WONDERFUL LIFE! they bought this cake macam yummy plg usulnya alai inda makan tadi. bukan nda mau makan. tapi i don't have the appettite tadi kan makan. and yea pasal JAW KU SAKIT jua. sorry yea. tapi tapi yummy plg usulnya.



reality checked at 1:58 PM

I CAN and WILL SAY whatever i want to and you don't have the right to stop me this blog SHOULDN'T BE USE AGAINST ME. tag board is not the arena for your gladiator fight. so if you like it you can stay and if you don't please leave

i am responsible and in-charge in judging myself not you nor other people out there. you think you know me, well you need think twice before saying that. i'm just a normal girl and imperfect, but there lies a different person that the eyes can't see. get to know me & who knows that we can be good friends. i'm quiet but once you hurt me, i can be a totally biatch in just 1 second.

  • room makeover
  • acoustic guitar
  • More Purple Stuffs

  • 1.1 - Izman's Anni
  • 14.2 - Mawi's Birthday
  • 7.3 - Umi's Anni
  • 15.4 - superMarvelous day
  • 24.4 - Umi's Birthday
  • 2nd Sunday of May/the-Queen-of-My-♥'s birthday
  • 5.6 - Deej's Birthday
  • 10.6 - Domie's Birthday
  • 16.6 - Dillah's Birthday
  • 25.7 - siCuzzie's Birthday
  • 6.8 - NSN's Birthday
  • 14.8 - Izman's Birthday
  • 2.10 - Azlie's Birthday
  • 15.11 - Sister-In-Law's Birthday
  • 15.11 - Iffah's Birthday
  • 15.11 - Harris's Birthday