..Here's My Story..
Thursday, June 26, 2008
♥ease the pain and letting it go♥
good morning. i wake up early today due to the noise from my bro's cellphone. ergh! his ringtone was so loud and it's METALLICA.
for the first time, i did the house chores since i don't feel very well. my body temperature a bit high and yea stomach ache! erghh! it feels like what i felt after having a surgery 7 years ago. seriously. i even can't stand straight & i have to bend my body so that the pain is not that bad. i even can't talk loudly masa ne mcm my voice atu ayu pasal i have to control. erghh! yea, what i feel right now is just what i felt after having a stomach surgery. i can't laugh out loud, my voice are soft;can't raise my voice. ergh! my back hurts. yea, it doesn't feel so pleasingly good. luckily i don't need help to get up dari limpang where dulu i need helped if kn bangun dari limpang. and and again luckily my athma nda datang!!thank God!
back to house chores thingy, i know it sounds a bit weird, i did the house chores when i'm not feeling very well. the reasons for that are i just want to be sweating and i just don't want to really pamper myself. i need to do a movement so that i will feel a lil okay and fresh.
yesterday, went to a day trip to S'pore with 'a friend' of mine. and unluckily i forgot to BRING my camera!! erghh! and and, due to the stomach ache, i don't feel like go shopping. i missed the chance to go shopping there.but then, it was fun tho. with me whining all 'a time like a bee. huhu. really. it was fun. but yea, rugi lah nda bawa camera. perghh! hm.
yea, i change my layout again! not really satisfied with it but atleast, i did it with my own precious usaha and energy and idea.
no durian treat for me today. takut panas lagi badan. oh yea people, i ate durian like almost everyday. and i took it as my breakfast. today sja nda brani kn mkn psl takut tambah damam.well actually, we have this pokok durian tapi 1 sja pokoknya. the pokok durian atu or the durian atu was planted by my daydeh and it's like almost reach 20years of age. this is not the first time ia bebuah, but then, baru tah TAHUN ani buah nya banyak brabiz! like everyday ia gugur 3-4 biji. compare to last years ia bebuah only like don't even reach 10 wah! and and i marked that durian as GAYAL pasal nya damit. huhu. nda menjadi. tapi nyaman jua masih.i'll upload the pictures of durians later. coz i seems to have a problem on sending the images to my laptop at the moment.
-as there's nothing we can do to change it-
reality checked at 9:45 AM
♥ my place, my rules ♥
♥ i am who i am ♥
♥ my dreams, my desires ♥
♥ now playing ♥