..Here's My Story..

Monday, November 24, 2008

so much i want this...

this is what i feel like wanna do right now..

i wanna cut my hair AGAIN. *sigh*
one more piercing? or two?
seriously i wanna cut my hair lagi

we were watching tv last night. and kaka said 'ma, di sini anting2 nya' pointing at some part of her ear lah tu. then tarus ku ckp 'ma. aku mau betindik lagi eh. mcm atuu!' den mommy dengan sarcasticnya becakap 'bah. agatah lai. malam ani nada kadai buka kah ne? kalau inda malam ani saja betindik' and i was tarus like 'hmphh.'

again happened few years back. i was in Miri visiting mom's relatives. sekalinya i said 'ma. laju tah tani balik bah!tapi before balik singgah dulu ke kdai pasal i wanna do piercing first.bla bla bla bla bla' i told her that cuzzie ku did her piercing di miri and inda sakit and all. tried to convince her but it didn't work. hmmphh.

after few years, finally..i did my second piercing. and cuz.. it was like betahun2 jua tu kan sudah lamanya hajat ku tertunda atu... hahaha. and i remember, at home everyone was like 'lai.ko betindik baru kah?' mcm everyone notice pasal atu. den ka'umi 'lai. betindik ko lagi kah' den i said 'awu.' she asked 'kenapa ko betindik?apa tah perasaan mu tu lapas ko buat atu?' deny told her lah kisah2 lama yg i convinced my cuzzie to bertindik. then we came out with this idea kan buat second piercing. sekalinya, c.Cuzzie ku atu did her piercing sudah and aku balum. sekali ani baru tah bertindik cematulah. den she said 'owh. ko guilty kah psl ia betindik and ko plg blum? yth ko kan menyampaikan hajat?' hahaha. nooo! inda alai guilty waa but this is what i want dari dulu but there was a reason yang stop me from doing that. yth masa ani, suka hati aku lah kan buat apa dengan diriku.

anyhoo, i really really wanna cut my hair lagi. and talking about rambut, last time we went out for shopping iffah joined us kn tu. then mommy cakap lah arah iffah 'lai, cuba iffah liat tu rambut buchu atu. lawa kan tu cematu usulnya atu?' den iffah cakap tarus 'lawa~!iffah suka tu nek' nyhahaha. bohoooo u mommy ku~ actually mommy was complaining pasal my hair was messy masa atu and katanya mcm inda besisir. well yea, i don't brush or comb my hair. that's the fact. and masa tu, i was baru bangun tdur. so yea~ yth after iffah jawab ia suka atu tarus lah i lafd sekuat2 hati kalau buleh abis bekeluaran organ2 ku ketawa msa tu and cakap 'wooo mommy ah!! nada nya kana sokong!' ka'umi was driving tu masa tu and she was like 'entah ko lai eh!' after that.. nothing happen coz i was mengartist sepenuh perasaan di dalam kreta. and yea i get the blame saja masa tu. siok2 mengartist, ka'umi did something which i don't remember apa ya buat masa tu and mommy ckp 'mie!bahapa ko tu kan!!' sekalinya jawapannya 'ne wah.lai! ko ne mengacau aku! you disturbd me!' and i was like what?! orang siok2 mengartist pun di cakapnya aku kacau. sekalinya sambung lagi mengartist, rupanya masa tu lagu yang aku nyanyi lagu disturbia!! hahaha. selahau!!!

yth ani, i wanna mengartist lagi. so yea, that's all for now...

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reality checked at 10:27 PM

I CAN and WILL SAY whatever i want to and you don't have the right to stop me this blog SHOULDN'T BE USE AGAINST ME. tag board is not the arena for your gladiator fight. so if you like it you can stay and if you don't please leave

i am responsible and in-charge in judging myself not you nor other people out there. you think you know me, well you need think twice before saying that. i'm just a normal girl and imperfect, but there lies a different person that the eyes can't see. get to know me & who knows that we can be good friends. i'm quiet but once you hurt me, i can be a totally biatch in just 1 second.

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