..Here's My Story..

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

All By Myself

Hey there!

I'm tired & exhausted. Tired of my daily routine.i need something new in my life.something that extra-ordinary than the ordinary.something challenging and thrilling.

I know i've been quite 'buat2' bz lately with the wedding preparation.sampai mcm kna glue bh drumah.can't go anywhere.tpi the most concrete reason nda jln2 is we don't have transportation kn dpkai untuk bersocial.bukan nda ada tapi mommy yg inda suruh pakai.mommy always like that.hehe.sekali tadi,husband ka'umi pkai pajero goin' to work yth kami jln lh ptg td with mommy jua.went to kdai kain coz mommy kn blikan kain for my nenek and anak-anak lelaki mommy for the wedding.

Yth msa sibuk2 pilih2 kain, ada orang atu pun sibuk tah nya jua memilih untuk dirinya.ia said something sekali i answered "yth sioknya jadi aku ne.sebab atu i don't want to go and find a work.siok!" terfikir lah tarus pasal life.i still don't know what to do with my life.i know i'm too dependent on mommy.i don't want to go kraja.i'm not ready for it.so sekarang ane and for the time being i'm the 'penganggur terhormat' lah.hehe.i remember aku pernah say this to ka'umi "mie.aku nda tau wah nanti sdh abis course ku ane aku kan buat apa.kan kraja but i don't know where" sekali ka'umi support me "lai, apply saja mana2.jgn memilih yg ada kaitan sja dpilih.payah kan dapat tu". Then this is my respond "tapi aku nda mau wah bkraja arah yang mesti pakai bju kurong and tudong.boring ku." haha.i know reason ku a2 reason kanak2.but so what!that's how i am and that's what i am!my life not yours! And and ka'umi buat muka menyampahnya dgr jawapan ku and said "atu lai, kraja drumah saja!makan tidur saja.bju apa sja ko pkai pun inda apa.nda bebaju pun ko nda apa.telanjang pun buleh!" panjang saya dapat syarahan percuma dari teacher peribadi saya tarus.tapi our conversation doesn't stop there.disambung lg dengan imaginasi2 yang kadang2 inda masuk akal,yg nda dpt diterima logic.and at last kami sendiri merasa ada ketaluran dalam diri masing-masing.and when that happened,penutupnya,ketawa tebahak2 lah kmi dua orang.

And and yea,tadi masa jln with momy, we were about to go home,sekali lintas arah diz kdai kesihatan.yth i saw this mamat india duduk2 arah krusi urut arah that kdai.konon mencuba krusi atu lah tu.tapi sbnrnya ia kn beurut free 2 without membali that chair.tawu jua orang!haha.yth yth, i said to momy and ka'umi "eh sanang hatinya kaling ane" skali nada respond dari sorang2 yth in my mind 'nda dorg dgr x apa ku ckp' pslnya ka'umi tinggalkn kami dblakang.yth ckp lg arah momy "ma, lapas ane mama lg?tu cuba liat kaling ah sanang hatinya duduk dsna ah" the mamat india tu cali bnr bh dgn usulnya lagi sampai nda dpt ku tahan ktawa tarus.i saw mommy slamba sja tapi mcm org menahan kn ketawa jua.rupanya ka'umi tinggalkn kami a2 ia ktawa2 rupanya ddpn msa jln a2.tapi bnr that mamat india funey eh.nikmat bnr usulnya massage chair atu.hahaha.

Okay lah itu aja for now.saya maunya titun sudah.mawo sheleep sudah i.&&before i end this, tadi i saw this mug qute hantap tahap dewa langit 7 hantapnya.qute ey..mug biasa saja tpi yg buat ia qute a2 psl the gambar a2 kambeeng.qute ey!i so want that lamb mug!haha.temimpi2 jua ne krg psl kambeeng ane.hehe.mcm izzat ckp "khampheeng..mbeeek~" hehe.qute anak buah qu yg enchem a2.

Okaylah.i'm going to sheleep now.night!til den..XOXO


reality checked at 11:17 PM

I CAN and WILL SAY whatever i want to and you don't have the right to stop me this blog SHOULDN'T BE USE AGAINST ME. tag board is not the arena for your gladiator fight. so if you like it you can stay and if you don't please leave

i am responsible and in-charge in judging myself not you nor other people out there. you think you know me, well you need think twice before saying that. i'm just a normal girl and imperfect, but there lies a different person that the eyes can't see. get to know me & who knows that we can be good friends. i'm quiet but once you hurt me, i can be a totally biatch in just 1 second.

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