..Here's My Story..

Monday, December 22, 2008

I'm Holding On

Hey people!

I continue my unfinished story.. =D. yea, i can feel that last week was the busiest and the most tiring week for this month.especially for the last 3 days of the week.

Thursday, we had a bbq celebrating adek passes her PMB exam. &&cuzzie ku!!! it was so crystal clear that you were so ala2 uncomfortable with the webcaming and i can see that you were so mcm moving statue sana atu.haha mcm kn benafas pun salah2 masa bewebcaming atu. hahaha.but but..u're kinda brave jua. if i were u, i wouldn't accept the invitation tu..hahaha.fuh~

& on friday, was so hectic!!kaka woke me up asked me to accompany her to fetch up the kueh di Q-lap and it was just around 10am. pergh! we waited for the kueh to siap kna prepare about almost half hour kali. yth mcm rasanya kanu tdur saja wah dkdai atu while waiting for the kueh. mana kan jua inda batah. kaka lagi ada tia tambah the kueh and asked them to do this and that lagi. hmph! around 11:45am hantar arah datuk's house in Tanah Jambu. before sampai rumah datuk atu, i asked kaka lama kah inda disana or tarus balik and she said "awu eh!antar tarus tah balik nie.malas ku kan bebatah2 cerita2 lagi sini" i was so lega mendangar kaka ckp tapi nya!!!! sudah nya turun kerumah nya lagi cerita2 lepak2.since Friday atu anak datuk nikah so we have to bebalik lagi ke Tanah Jambu lah. at around 12plus pm, baru tah kami balik dari Tanah Jambu. and ofcourse it took more or less 30minutes to reach home from Tanah Jambu. so yea, around 1plus, we reached home. i was thinking balik dari antar kueh atu i want to take a short nap. i was still sleepy masa tu. tapinya nada masa lagi! coz the jemputan was from 1:45pm until 2:00pm.sampai bermake-up pun dalam kreta wah. huh!but but...this is the day where i met this someone. butterflies tarus parut. hahaha.ANNDDD ka'umi knew who that person is. owh, after the nikah, we went back to datuk's house coz mommy kan jumpa her cousins or our cousins (i'm not sure) lagi.and also he was there!!=DD.nasib jua kami pakai 2 kreta.so ka'umi and i can balik awal and leave mommy with kaka. yth masanya aku gunakan my strength to asked mommy to go back with kaka tu.pasal ka'umi and i have plan. then mommy agreed.my trick always work on her *proud*. masa datang actually i was with kaka and mommy was with umi.umi wanted me ikut ia plg but then kaka sorang2 so i decided to go with kaka saja. and sudah balik saja sama ia. &&i thank God, pasal i only have 2 sisters.i don't know what will happen to me if i have more than that. pening jua kepala kali~

On Saturday, majlis berbedak for datuk's son. we called him c'Bangau' pasal ia yang bagi me and Ka'umi nickname "Krabau&Bangau" pergh!i went to Tanah Jambu with kaka and bro also pewichas.&&again!! there he was, the someone! kaka decided to sit di kem saja instead of lepaking with the family.yth he came and gave us the drinks..owh that night, my bro before duduk dkem "Dato' Yusof kah tu?" and i was like "Entah~~ mana lah ku tau mana satu Dato' Yusof ani!" he asked the wrong person! haha. seriously, i don't know banyak orang masa disana. masa bawa pewinchas tengok the pengantin pun ada this old folk tagur and my cousin atu introduce arah that lady.i don't have any idea who that lady is.sekali inda lah ku layan. then aku bagitau iffah mana datuk saja.yth masa tu i said "fah..atu datuk tu yang duduk sana atu" sekali that lady cakap "if atu datuk ani siapa nie?" and pointing at herself. and i was like "hmm.entah??siapa ah?" i whispered saja masa tu! at the same time minta tolong arah my cousin atu bagitau sapa that lady!balik2 that lady tanya the same question tapi aku jawab dengan senyuman saja.hahaha.sorry~ i really don't know who that lady is.bukannya ku amboonnnggg tawu!!and owh, siangnya petang atu, the HA girls went out and pewinchas jua ikut. again, i don't have time to rest pasal balik kami almost malam then kan besiap lagi ke Tanah Jambu for majlis berbedak. pergh. lepas majlis atu, balik rumah awal coz sorang2 menaleh rasanya.dalam kreta lagi lagu sentimental tu sampai cfah pun cakap "buchu..lagu nya ani macam buat iffah sleepy eh" hahaha.

on Sunday, yesterday, i decided to not to go to Tanah Jambu. so mommy and Ka'Umi saja yang pegi && kaka with pewinchas attend other wedding lagi.yth i can enjoy my weekend alone~~ hehe. berehat sepuasnya and secukupnya.

&today, the buzyness atu bersambung. tapi ani buzyness for our wedding lagi. tadi kami packed the souvenir for the invited guests. from pagi and ptg ani baru siap kami buat. atu pun nada rehat. i can feel the tiredness and my back is in pain telampau lama duduk atu kali~. so yea, ani i have to curi2 the time utk meluangkan masa to blog and continue my unfinished story~


and now, i think that's all. so till then yea.

*owh! i can't believe it's like only 1 week left for the wedding! dup dap dup dap! erghh!*


reality checked at 5:15 PM

I CAN and WILL SAY whatever i want to and you don't have the right to stop me this blog SHOULDN'T BE USE AGAINST ME. tag board is not the arena for your gladiator fight. so if you like it you can stay and if you don't please leave

i am responsible and in-charge in judging myself not you nor other people out there. you think you know me, well you need think twice before saying that. i'm just a normal girl and imperfect, but there lies a different person that the eyes can't see. get to know me & who knows that we can be good friends. i'm quiet but once you hurt me, i can be a totally biatch in just 1 second.

  • room makeover
  • acoustic guitar
  • More Purple Stuffs

  • 1.1 - Izman's Anni
  • 14.2 - Mawi's Birthday
  • 7.3 - Umi's Anni
  • 15.4 - superMarvelous day
  • 24.4 - Umi's Birthday
  • 2nd Sunday of May/the-Queen-of-My-♥'s birthday
  • 5.6 - Deej's Birthday
  • 10.6 - Domie's Birthday
  • 16.6 - Dillah's Birthday
  • 25.7 - siCuzzie's Birthday
  • 6.8 - NSN's Birthday
  • 14.8 - Izman's Birthday
  • 2.10 - Azlie's Birthday
  • 15.11 - Sister-In-Law's Birthday
  • 15.11 - Iffah's Birthday
  • 15.11 - Harris's Birthday