..Here's My Story..

Thursday, December 18, 2008

It's Never Gonna Be...

Hey. Today is 17th Dec, & tommorrow will be 18th.and yea,on the day after tomorrow, i have function to attend.

Talking about function, on the 19th itself, 'them' the 07 people will be having a gathering dinner. I received the text 2 days ago.i think they know already that i will be not coming.i have better things to do.

& yea, aku bru tersadar that my bju kurong 4 the wedding blum lagi beantar!and the majlis hari sabtu ane! It's my cousin's wedd and to be exact, my nenek.hahaha!no his not old.mcm my brother sja umurnya.and yea, dari ia kami dpt gelaran yg maybe permanent jadi title kami; ka'umi and i, which is si kerbau and si bangau.and yea, sampai masa ani pun kami masih lagi kna panggil dengan nama atu.psl dulu2 kmi suka liat kerbau and bangau everytime kmi kerumah dorang.&&as far as i can remember, siCuzzie ku suka the monkey yg dorg pelihara.kn kn kn cuz?hehe.

Akhir2 ani, i love to read novel.in a day, i finished reading 3 novels.sampai ada masa 2 mommy tagur "buku apa tu ko bca tu?buku sejarah?" actually mommy kurang gemar anak kesygannya ane baca novel.psl once bca novel atu, nada kraja lain yg dpt dbuat. Yth evrytime bca novel atu, dpt th ku ceramah percuma. After mommy ckp cematu, aku dengan bangganya lh menjawab "awu buku sejarah. Sejarah nabi-nabi" and yea, sebagai balasan dari mommy, ia jeling saja.hehe.i don't know cemana buleh jawapan atu tekeluar, but it just came out of my mouth.

Yth msa kn crita arh umi tarus2nya ckp "awu ko lai ah, time ko mensus berani th ko menjawab mama tu.cuba time mu nda mensus, bebunyi pun ko nda." balum pun ku cerita tu benarnya msa a2 trus tia ka'umi ckp cematu.haha.

Yth sioknya cuti skulah ne.most of our time, we spend with family.klo dulu2 pyh2 absent from school tapi msa ne nda lg pyh fkir2 apa.i remember dulu zaman2 skulah, everytime ka'umi absent, aku pun absent tah jua tu.tapi ada jua masanya time ka'umi skulh,aku pun absent jua masih.

Urgh.i so miss my childhood.and byk orang2 yg ku rindu masa ne yg aku nda dpt jumpa and i might nda bjumpa lg dengan muka2 yg ku rindu atu.

Okay lah, kan sheleep dulu.uh uh!it's 12:42am now, that's mean today is 18th sudah. LAV!!!!Me main mata saja arah u ah.hope that u understand...wink me back if u do understand.


reality checked at 12:45 AM

I CAN and WILL SAY whatever i want to and you don't have the right to stop me this blog SHOULDN'T BE USE AGAINST ME. tag board is not the arena for your gladiator fight. so if you like it you can stay and if you don't please leave

i am responsible and in-charge in judging myself not you nor other people out there. you think you know me, well you need think twice before saying that. i'm just a normal girl and imperfect, but there lies a different person that the eyes can't see. get to know me & who knows that we can be good friends. i'm quiet but once you hurt me, i can be a totally biatch in just 1 second.

  • room makeover
  • acoustic guitar
  • More Purple Stuffs

  • 1.1 - Izman's Anni
  • 14.2 - Mawi's Birthday
  • 7.3 - Umi's Anni
  • 15.4 - superMarvelous day
  • 24.4 - Umi's Birthday
  • 2nd Sunday of May/the-Queen-of-My-♥'s birthday
  • 5.6 - Deej's Birthday
  • 10.6 - Domie's Birthday
  • 16.6 - Dillah's Birthday
  • 25.7 - siCuzzie's Birthday
  • 6.8 - NSN's Birthday
  • 14.8 - Izman's Birthday
  • 2.10 - Azlie's Birthday
  • 15.11 - Sister-In-Law's Birthday
  • 15.11 - Iffah's Birthday
  • 15.11 - Harris's Birthday