..Here's My Story..

Thursday, July 3, 2008


today was fun. huhu. ergh. i was LATE again to college. i was told that we have visit today to RBA Airport. but they didn't tell me what time. & i don't bother also. then, last night fendi called me. he asked me what happened to me. why was i absent from college. then i told him yg pagi atu i did come to school. huhu. tapi AHER. Jaz text'd me asking is there any reasons for me to nda dtg skulah atu. den i replied, monday & tuesday i was sick brabiz yth on tuesday i took m.c. den yesterday, i wake up LATE!! mcm 8:30am. shiott!! huhu. den den. jaz texted me kn tu. sorry jaz. i know i'm such a problem maker to you guys di class. =)). gerenti ada org ckp2 tu FOR SURE mcm masa fendi dulu. but yea.. what to do. me myself don't want this to happen tho & i don't make this to happen. yth yth. arh sms atu yesterday, i did tell Jaz plg yg aku dtg kskulah tu. tapi aher lah tu lagi utk antar assignment. den. drove my car to college. smpai sja college, parked my car (reverse parking) then from rear mirror I SAW them, balik. haha. yth atu handal saya. org kn balik saya baru kn parking. huhu. so biarkan dorg ilang dulu baru th kluar kreta coz klo jumpa gerenti rioh tu. okay. i did that because to prevent from kna interview. huhu. it was about yesterday tu ah.

den tadi pagi. i was LATE jua. last night Fendi called me kn tu. psl ia pnya birthday lah tu. den den, i did ask him pasal visit ani. he said 7:45am jalan sudah dari college. okay. it's fendi that i talked to people! FENDI. who can trust FENDI? huhu. ia ani suka tipu saya wah ne. brabiz sukanya yth i am so not going to trust and believe him. sekalinya naaahh!!!! tadi pagi.. huhu.. limpas sudah round about arh berakas tu. before that round about airport kn tu. sekali i saw traffic light arh round about berakas ON sudah!!!hahaha. aku sakai!!!sekali sekali, sudah dpn SMB, i saw a coach kn. den i saw org pkai baju putih, so i said to myself 'eh bkn dorg tu eh. dorg pkai baju itam jua' ok. sekali, sudah melintas bus atu kan.. liat org dalam atu pakai baju itam. den i said 'eh?!' skali nampak muka Amir! CONFORM dorg! huhu. sekali sekali.. fkir fkir should i go home or should i trus sja ke college and stay there. sudah kn parking tu kn, ada tia SMS ku recieved from cJaz tnya dmana aku psl bus ada sudah. huhu. && ia mzcalled me 3 times sudah tapi aku nda dgr. den i text'd him kn ckp 'aku nampak bus jalan sudah tadi' den Jaz told me to go to Departure Hall saja tarus. so zoom to airport. huhu. smpai sja mz J talked to me tnya knapa aher n i'm not supposed to be late klo ada lawatan. i didn't know actually what time visit atu. fendi did tell me tapi aku nda pecaya sal ia slalu tipu aku. huhu. yth.saya seorang pelajar bemasalah! hahaha.owh yg monday & tuesday atu, the damam is not teruk. bukan damamnya yg teruk. tapi other pain atu yg buat saya teruk. if damam saja i still can go to college. tapinya sakit belakang? sakit parut? erghh!! n i was lamah smpai kajar2. due to not enough sleep. then then, was given a sleeping pill and the result is, wake up at 8:30am yesterday. ergh. mama worried sudah about me psl inda tidur saja.

about the visit tadi it was fun. it was once in a life time experience. where you can access to any section yg org nda dapat kn masuk n pigi xcept for those yg kraja sana lah. LOL. den den. awal awal, waited for org Airport atu kan tu. bagi2 pass den baru tah masuk. we started arh *i forgot the name of that office*, den went to arh operator, & yg flight info yg kamu slalu dgr dradio n arh rampai pagi atu.. yth dari sana tu. ok, den moved on to Malaysia Airlines, Singapoer Airlines, Waving area (f.y.i ppl, waving area atu buka sudah bebalik!) *huhu. ingat saya tu bulan puasa msa antar cuzzie kesygan, mimmet (cuz's sista & bf - masa tu lah & husband - now), umi & i, sudah my cuz masuk arh departure area atu kan, kami tarus lah menguji fitness kami. && kami sungkai minum air saja. btw, saya inda puasa lah.yth nda ingau kn sungkai. sekali sekali cuz masuk tu ah, kami 3 (mimmet's husband relax saja) begagas naik n i think we ran smpai kami out of breath. den sudah sampai atas liat bekunci pintunya pagarnya. be rantai lagi tu.huhu. naleh sja saya mengabiskan nafas. & u know lah kn sapa yg paling lambat tu. huhu. saya lah tu. just imagine, both of them are 1 me. huhu.* ok ok. after waving area atu, masuk ke melintas express & Jollibee. awu d airport ada Jollibee udah. fkir abis smpai waving area th saja tu. sekali nya kna bawa ke arh VIP area. and yea, it was once in a life time experience! skali dari sana masuk to departure hall. didalam atu. want to buy something but they said nda dapat pasal we need a boarding pass klo kn bali sana. den i said ~owh okay. bali dluar tah sja.~ yth. di departure hall atu, kami dalam sana saja lah. nda sampai ke arh aircraft nya. den we were brought to this area (basement). rupanya ada accommodation sana atu!!! i just knew about it. n yea, ia pnya bilik mcm motel yg pernah aku tinggal d Sabah. brabiz samanya. den at the same level tapi different part lah, ada bilik quarantine for those visitors yg drunk and yg merbahaya n mengacau2 org. they'll be kna taruh arh bilik atu. bukan plg locked up kah atau penjara. no.. it's a room. nda plg kami masuk liat dari luar sja. complete lah ada tv & all. org yg drunk atu kna taruh sana smpai nya sober. *mcm arh game westward. villagers nya yg mabuk kna masukkan arh locked up smpai dorg completely sober* hehe. den den, naik smula ke departure hall. kna bawa arh gate 6,7,8. dsana th our last destination tu. sekali ada jamuan kna sediakan. sat next to mz nani mula2, yth mcm kna tnya "eh nda ko mkn asmah?" i said "nda mz" hehe. i took her place wah sebenarnya. bag nya arh meja atu kan. but duduk jua sana. yth mz sarcastically ckp "tau sudah bag mz dsana" & yea, thank God ada krusi kosong sblh ku. skali sana th mz duduk.sorry mz. hehe. den mz deena nada tempat duduk. i was asked to ambilkan krusi for mz deena.so ambil and simpan arh sblh mz nani. && yea. mz nani suruh2 saya. mcm mama wah mz ah. i mean my mom. mama suka suruh2 tu saya klo masa makan. =) saya dengan rela hati lah tu selalunya.

balik arnd 6 past 11 pm tu tadi. hehe. skali arah c lav tarus. huhu. bawa ia liat wyg. SEPI. siok brabiz cuz!!! nangis ku!!!! hahaha. tapi nasib jua saya pkai hoodie tadi so dpt cover muka. sekali sekali. cLav ane kan... text her msa bru jln dari airport atu yg me otw udah. den den. sudah sampai rumahnya kn anak atu. mzcll her. && ada jua org dtg lah masa tu. kwn mumy nya kali i don't know ah. den den. mzcall her balik2. ada org ne turun kn. fkir ia sekali rupanya mumy nya. den tunggu lagi. ada org turun. tot it was her. tapi mcm kakinya damit. sekali bukan. lelaki. driver nya kali. den den. amah nya lagi. last2 baru th ia kluar!! dgn tuala2 nya. huhu. && rupanya kan. ada org meliati wah!! ckp nya yg cBb lama sudah tunggu. huhu. saya nda sadar eh rupanya ada mata yg meliat. nasib jua ku nda tukar baju dalam kreta. klo nda tau jua ya tu aku tukar dlm kreta. haha. owh yea. bawa baju tadi psl kn planning kn jln awal sudah. tapi text cLav tadi masa d Airport. hehe. den den, 12++ jln dari rmh cLav. eh memalukan Lav eh!!! haha. malu me.. okay. i booked the ticket kn tu tadi skali skali biasa lah tu kn tnya seat and all den sudah nya tnya my hp number, i gave him my b.mobile number wah. saya ani dengan compidont nya lah ckp.. "owh. em. 801****" sekali kata that guy "ah brapa??" den i said "801****" den. mcm i feel weird wah. skali "eh 801. eh. jap eh jap eh. em.. jap ah jap eh. ermm" den den cLav pun begagas dengan hp nya meliatkn my number. huhu. buleh!! tadi atu tadi kn bagi my ezi number wah. buleh nda tfkir brpa numbernya!! ergh.. den den org atu ckp lah "eh 81***** ani nie ah?" den i said "AH AWU!" hahaha. tapi mcm taloo jua tu org ah. u have my number appear arh kmu pnya caller id tu. tnya lagi. hehehe. hm. memalukan saya. den makan d Mc.D BigMac!!! i was craving for BigMac!!!! yth lunch sana. after having our lunch, ke mall kn ambil ticket. skali skali, d counter ne, i said kn "eh malu me eh."huhu. due to nda tau my own phone number. skali skali. dcounter, gtau lah kn liat crita Sepi, den dgn confident nya i said "booking number.. 264 kali.." skali ia type tu. den SALAH wah!!!! ish.. mcm org atu tersenyum tarus. skali he asked my name den ada tia my book atu. the number atu lurus wah tapi kn the position of the number sja salah wah yg ku bgtau tadi atu!! huhu.

dalam wayang, awal2 atu biasalah.. tapi ckawan sblh me ani kan tadi.. be MSN th plg kraja nya. nda tau cmanakah ia kn concentrate. hehehe. awal2 atu, okay lah.. i was loud tadi. mcm i think kn ketawa ku sorg saja yg kedengaran mcm over brabiz tahan gaban gila babi. skali ckawan ani.. diam2 nda ketawa wah. yth aku balik2 tnya "nda cali kah?"hahaha. kira kn minta dgni ketawa lah tu. sekali nya, saya concentrate lah tu liat movee. and nda tau cana bleh kn terealize wah benda atu. den i said "eh jenk. sanang hati kah? relax jua~" den ia ckp "ah?" kes nda phm lah tu. den i sed "relax jua~ goyang2 kaki lagi tu. mcm nda beutang wh usulnya" hahahaahahaha! pacah!! tapi banar lah. ckawan atu RELAX brabiz usulnya tadi. santai yooo liat wayang ah!!! hahahahaha. sanang atinya dbawa meliat wayang atu.. baik jua nda dbuatkannya katil wah kerusi dcinema ah. baik jua cinema atu inda dbuat nya mcm drmhnya. awu. mun nya besila belimpang dlantai dalam cinema atu.. baik th adang tu eh. hahaha. tapi kn lav.. brabiz lah suka me tadi u ah. hahaha. mampu lagi goyang2 kaki tu... hahahaahahahaha!!jenk jenk. ko ani tah banar jenk~ hahaha.

den after movie, balik tarus~hehehe.&& sorry lav. lupa me u suruh me mzcl udah sampai rumah ah. hahaha.bnr. sudah 6++ bru th ku ingat wah psl mzcl ani.huhu.sorry~~ hehehehe. owh will tell u about the movie on my next post. n gambar2 tadi pun jua krg.. =)))


reality checked at 6:48 PM

I CAN and WILL SAY whatever i want to and you don't have the right to stop me this blog SHOULDN'T BE USE AGAINST ME. tag board is not the arena for your gladiator fight. so if you like it you can stay and if you don't please leave

i am responsible and in-charge in judging myself not you nor other people out there. you think you know me, well you need think twice before saying that. i'm just a normal girl and imperfect, but there lies a different person that the eyes can't see. get to know me & who knows that we can be good friends. i'm quiet but once you hurt me, i can be a totally biatch in just 1 second.

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  • More Purple Stuffs

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  • 14.2 - Mawi's Birthday
  • 7.3 - Umi's Anni
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  • 24.4 - Umi's Birthday
  • 2nd Sunday of May/the-Queen-of-My-♥'s birthday
  • 5.6 - Deej's Birthday
  • 10.6 - Domie's Birthday
  • 16.6 - Dillah's Birthday
  • 25.7 - siCuzzie's Birthday
  • 6.8 - NSN's Birthday
  • 14.8 - Izman's Birthday
  • 2.10 - Azlie's Birthday
  • 15.11 - Sister-In-Law's Birthday
  • 15.11 - Iffah's Birthday
  • 15.11 - Harris's Birthday