..Here's My Story..
Sunday, July 13, 2008
♥the most problematic issue♥
Who took your profile picture?
-my precious me
Exactly what are you wearing right now?
- g's and top sja. (could i be more honest?haha)
What is your current problem?
- loads! *well i remember my back to highschool sir pernah ckp 'those who said they have no problem, actually they're the one who are most problematic' and yea. he said 'you talk a lot!!' at me. *jeling ya saja*
What makes you most happy?
- everything. without drugs and alcohol.
What's the name of the song that you're listening to?
- Missing You
- Bb *frens* & lai *family*
Eye colour?
- dark beraun
Hair colour?
- dark black & highlighted
Do you live with your parents?
- parent. yes. i do.i sleep with my parent.
Do you get along with your parents?
- indeed
Are your parents chill?
- depends.
Do you have any siblings?
- yesh.
Ice cream?
- owh owh. i love this icecream like brabis. peppermint. tapi nada lagi jual dbrunei. ergh! harganya pun quite mahal smpai $7+
Write on your hand?
- awu..tapi mcm makin beeda tulisan i ani
Believe in love?
Sleep on a certain side of the bed?
- yup yup. ujung2 siring dinding psl mommy suruh
Kissed someone in the last 24 hours?
- erm. yea. last night she Baby and he Encem.
If so, where?
- drmh ku, drmh nya. d kdai. deverywhere. *haha kes nda paham*
Had physical therapy?
- erm yea
Gotten surgery?
- yep yep. 7 years ago. *oh oh. i remember the night before i had the surgery i was terbgn. then liat ramai org. dgn bangangnya hairan meliat ramai org. Abg called me tnya how am i doin masa tu. den in the middle of our conversation, tersesak my nafas. and i saw, my tenglor partner in crime dropped her tears and ia beundur pelahan2 (kes supaya inda obvious lah tu ia menangis and beundur atu. setapak setapak yoo ya beundur) and yea, smua yg ada panic masa tu. huhu.i love the attention tho*
Person to text you?
- erm. ramai.
Who do you love?
- smua.
How do you feel about PDA?
- erm bulky.
Who do you miss?
- huahuahuahua *kes datang gila* erm.. si dia.myHero. mySavior, c.Lav, cCuzn, cQwn2, ourAHpeck&the wife a.k.a our neneks.
Who are the persons been to your bedroom to be besides you?
- 'e last persons:cCuzn which is long time ago *& tani dgr lagu Dygta and ia menghayati sambil tutup mata and yea ia pun ikut menyanyi tapi lain bunyinya mcm ala2 org snoring bunyinya lah lagunya ah.iramanya sama plg mcm lagu dygta atu tapi it's just the lyrics yg lain*, c mereka ber-3. ermm. sessi luahan hati? huhu, sheBaby *ketock ketock ketock 'buchu buleh iffah masuk?*, && sheLav &&&my&hearts tenglors in crime!!!
reality checked at 8:08 PM
♥ my place, my rules ♥
♥ i am who i am ♥
♥ my dreams, my desires ♥
♥ now playing ♥